For Doctors​
1. What are the qualifications to become a QME?
QMEs must be certified by the Division of Workers’ Compensation – Medical Unit to examine injured workers. To become a certified QME, a physician must pass an exam (given twice annually), pass a report writing course and submit an application to the DWC. AMEs do not need to be certified to examine injured workers.​
2. What type of services does MEMSCO provide to doctors?
MEMSCO is a full service medical-legal practice management company dedicated to providing our doctors with all the administrative support they need to run a successful med-legal practice. Our services include:
3. Where are the medical evaluations performed?
MEMSCO requires that our doctors carry both medical malpractice and errors & omissions coverage. It is important for doctors to determine whether their current medical malpractice policy covers medical-legal evaluations (most do not). Doctors may carry their own coverage or opt to be covered under MEMSCO's policy (which includes medical malpractice and errors & omissions coverage for medical-legal evaluations performed through CME).
4. Where are MEMSCO's offices? Are they equipped for psychologucal and medical evaluations?
Yes. MEMSCO offers our doctors a report writing consulting program. Our medical-legal consultant has extensive experience in the workers’ compensation industry and is a certified workers compensation professional. She has collaborated with QME, AME and IME physicians on thousands of reports regarding all facets of reporting including:
5. How many cases/evaluations will I get through CME
It's simple. All you need is a bachelor's degree & a passport from a native english speaking country. Don't worry if you have no teaching or traveling experience. It's not required!
6. What type of insurance coverage do I need to perform medical-legal evaluations?
MEMSCO requires that our doctors carry both medical malpractice and errors & omissions coverage. It is important for doctors to determine whether their current medical malpractice policy covers medical-legal evaluations (most do not). Doctors may carry their own coverage or opt to be covered under MEMSCO's policy (which includes medical malpractice and errors & omissions coverage for medical-legal evaluations performed through CME).
7. I am new to medical-legal work. Does MEMSCO offer any assistance with report writing and training?
Yes. MEMSCO offers our doctors a report writing consulting program. Our medical-legal consultant has extensive experience in the workers’ compensation industry and is a certified workers compensation professional. She has collaborated with QME, AME and IME physicians on thousands of reports regarding all facets of reporting including:
8. What is the difference between a QME and an AME?
In the context of a workers’ compensation claim, an Agreed Medical Evaluator (AME) is used if the applicant attorney and the insurance company can agree on a physician to conduct the medical examination. If the two sides cannot agree or if the claimant does not have an attorney, the exam will be conducted by a Qualified Medical Evaluator (QME). QMEs are selected from a randomly generated list of certified physicians provided by the DWC.​
9. Who determines the fees for QME and AME?
The fees billed for a workers’ compensation evaluation (both QME and AME) are set by California law and can be found here: http://www.dir.ca.gov/dwc/​
10. What state entity regulates the worker's compensation industry in California?
The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) monitors the administration of workers’ compensation claims and provides administrative and judicial services to assist in resolving disputes that arise in connection with claims for workers’ compensation benefits. The DWC is also responsible for regulating QME testing and licensing.​